Die Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland von Guido Thiemeyer - Taschenbuch

Die Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Zwischen Westbindung und europäischer Hegemonie, Problemgeschichte der Gegenwart
ISBN/EAN:  9783170232549
Sprache: Deutsch
Umfang: 138 S.
Einband: kartoniertes Buch
The German national state has always been integrated into a dense network of transnational integration. This applies also and in particular to the Federal Republic of Germany. This book presents the history of the second German Republic in its international and transnational integration. Processes of Europeanisation and internationalisation take a central place in the work. Nevertheless it is also clear that there is no question of >the end of the nation-state". A coexistence of supranational organisations and national state is much more characteristic, where the borders between the two are always being renegotiated.
Professor Dr. Guido Thiemeyer holds the chair of Modern History at the University of Dusseldorf.
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