Looking for Genesis von Theodore Uva - E-Book

Looking for Genesis
eBook - Vinegar Affirmation
ISBN/EAN:  9781669860600
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 116 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM
€ 5,95
inkl. MwSt.
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Genesis is about facing adversity, following an unconventional trend, poised with delusional, thoughts. Justice is executed without contemplating the full impact of consequences. After liberating from a shady past, the protagonist comes around. As a space explorer, searching for exoplanets, the main character, develops a relationship with a trained robot. The connection is priceless.Vinegar Affirmation deals with a single parent, coping with an autistic child. With agonizing news of his twins death he pursues, a business adventure abroad. The mother suspects that her child was abducted and hires a private eye after the police stumbles on a cold trail.

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